At InnovaCare Solutions, we pride ourselves in providing innovative care coordination solutions, for the healthcare industry, delivered by professionals

Get To Know Us

MIPS, MACRA, PCMH, CPC+, Quality Measures, Value Based Care, etc. - The healthcare industry is buzzing with these words for last several years and there is no respite from these & forthcoming innovative programs in near future. All payors, federal, state or commercial, are challenging practices and providers to improve clinical outcomes through proactive patient engagement, comply with slew of quality measures and reduce cost of care simultaneously. And, these objectives are expected to be accomplished with programs which are either too cumbersome to implement, reimbursements are too low for the effort and expertise required and guidelines are confusing, at best, for providers and billing community alike.
We understand that these programs have become the nature of how medicine needs to be practiced today and in times to come. That's why we specialize in providing tools which are simple to understand & implement, non-disruptive to existing workflow of practices, prevent additional workload on providers and staff, comply with clinical guidelines for billable codes and yet, offer much needed revenue stream.

Yes, you can try and do it on your own and MAY succeed. Large healthcare systems may have the financial resources and manpower but smaller systems and independent practices are better served by partnering up with organizations like us.  Instead of learning to "fly on your own", rely on our years of expertise and diverse experience rather than costly experimentation. Since your success is intricately linked with ours, we ensure that your practice "flies to greater heights" to ensure mutually successful outcomes.


We help you choose wisely

No matter what care coordination program you're interested in, you can always count on us to provide you with an unbiased feedback on multiple solutions and a blueprint for success based on your medical practice unique workflows, patients insurance mix and specific value based objectives. 

Revenue with Peace of Mind

Every Care coordination program and various ancillary services are a great source of much needed revenue for independent practitioners and large systems alike. We pride ourselves in ensuring that our business model and our programs comply with stringent state and federal laws, including self-referral, anti-kickback and anti-markup laws. And yet, the whole business model is flexible enough to offer a customized solution for each client
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