Chronic Care Management

An excellent initiative in preventative health, Chronic Care Management continues to be the most sought after program for enhancing patient satisfaction, improving health outcomes and boosting the financial outlook for a typical physician's practice and large systems alike. Unfortunately, the program is still in its infancy stage, guidelines are being revised consistently and it has undergone significant revisions since it's inception, leading to widespread confusion among providers and patients alike. 


Chronic Care Management vs. Case Management

Guidelines published by CMS on Chronic Care Management initiative are self-explanatory and yet, this program continues to be confused with case management program. Simply put, CCM is more relegated towards coordination of various services which can impact patients' level of care and thereby influence health outcomes rather than focusing on active management of chronic & costly conditions and preventing avoidable ER visits. Please click here for better understanding of guidelines published by CMS for the CCM program.

Implementation Models

Each client has a unique understanding of the factors involved in making CCM program a success. From a bare bone excel file of eligible patients handed to a staff CMA, to a concerted effort of allocating qualified manpower and identifying individual patient concerns, the outcomes for any program can vary extensively. What most clients tend to forget is that they get only one chance to get it right - first time is the only time. An unpleasant experience for the patients is sure to kill the best envisioned program in the shortest time period with very little opportunity to convince these patients again for participation in the program
Our Business Model 

Patient Enrollment Solutions

Patient consent, verbal or written, is vital before CCM services can be coordinated for the patient and it continues to be a challenge. We employ the best of today's technology in reaching out to patients and seeking their consent via a massive outreach program that is completely automated. We do not employ traditional resources like calls originating from a call center to enroll patients. Rather, we rely on providing tools and training to providers and office staff for engaging patients during office visits to facilitate patient enrollment

Care Coordinators - OnSite

In our opinion, employing a call center model for coordinating care is very unproductive and fraught with skepticism on behalf of patients. Therefore, unlike the competition, we prefer embedding the care coordinators, hired and trained by us, at the client site for performing all care coordination activities. From a closer supervision to enhanced communication and occasional face to name recognition between patient & care coordinator, the advantages of these model far exceed a traditional call center approach. A table & chair with Internet connection and enough privacy, is all that is needed in your practice.

Industry leading training

No matter how you look at it, there is substantial skill involved in executing care coordination services. We pride ourselves in providing the most comprehensive and rigorous training to our new hires on the CCM program. From a thorough understanding on the scope of services to be performed to exercising motivational interviewing skills, the care coordinators execute their responsibilities with patient satisfaction and improved care outcomes as their ultimate goals. Supervision by RN's and Social workers ensure the continued success of the CCM services

Revenue Expectations

CCM is great program to build an ongoing revenue stream on a monthly basis while providing non face to face services. Nevertheless, it is not a program where one can expect significant revenue without any efforts, irrespective of whether you hire an external vendor or internal resources to implement this program. More than the revenue potential, this program will enhance your practice appeal amongst your patients and generate need for additional visits and ancillary services with evolving patient needs. The CCM program will also facilitate compliance with various care gaps which is rarely accomplished by office visits alone, especially for "non-regular" patient population

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